Elmo 伺服驱动器提供丰富的固件和软件功能选项。这些功能包括嵌入在伺服驱动器硬件和/或固件中的特定 “功能”,可通过 EASII 激活和观察。



Support all DS402 and PLC Open Homing methods such

  • RLS, FLS
  • Home Switch
  • Index mark
  • Home On Block
  • Immediate Homing
  • Absolute encoder home

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OC (Output Compare, Pegs) functionality

Trigger fast digital output as a function of socket position

  • Tabulated Absolute Position
  • Tabulated Time Duration
  • Absolute Position + Delta Position
  • Absolute Position + time duration

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Master – Slave Follower

Elmo Gold servo drivers provide built-in capabilities for Master-Slave follower configurations

  • Position follower
  • Velocity Follower
  • Current follower

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Scaling factors

Scaling factors using DS 402 UU (User Units) for position, Velocity and acceleration scaling.Read More »


32 bit modulo with special RADO (Rotary Axis Direction Option)

  • Normal positioning
  • Negative movement
  • Positive movement
  • Positioning with shortest way

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Dynamic Braking

Logical Braking for reduced braking time.Read More »

Sine Sweep Emulation

Simple BW test by the user using EAS sine sweep interface.Read More »

Reference commands

Wide range of profiler reference commands

  • CANopen/Ether- CAT DS402 based standard
  • Analog (+-10V)
  • P&D
  • User Program

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MIMO Based Gantry solution

Gold Drives’ powerful control enables true synchronization between 2 gold drive without the need to designate, and thus waste, an entire motion controller exclusively on Gantry Realization.Read More »

Gantry Absolute and differential 1D error correction

Differential and Absolute 1 Dimension error correction implementation on the drive level.
In both Master and slave axes the error correction mechanism is active.Read More »

OC function in Gantry system

Output compare functionality for triggering external equipment as a function of the Master axis position is supported in Gantry systemRead More »

Gantry Home Offset Measurement

Special procedure for measuring the offset between two indexes located on separate linear scales of a Gantry system.Read More »

Gantry Absolute and differential 1D error correction

Differential and Absolute 1 Dimension error correction implementation on the drive level.
In both Master and slave axes the error correction mechanism is active.Read More »

OC function in Gantry system

Output compare functionality for triggering external equipment as a function of the Master axis position is supported in Gantry systemRead More »

2 in 1

2 Motors Controlled by 1 Elmo Gold servo driveRead More »

High Current Output Brake

Parallel Output Brake for high current brake consumptionRead More »

Driver Programming

Elmo’s servo drives double your options – smart servo drive and a built-in Single axis controllerRead More »